Illustrator, animator, stuntman, children's entertainer, astronaut, compulsive liar, and now officially stand-up comedian is how I describe myself over here on my day-to-day illustration blog (check it out, if only for the game of family faeces fun that is Guess Poo)

During the day I work as an Art Director for the fantastically amazing 300million alongside some brilliant people doing brilliant work for brilliant clients. I sometimes tweet stuff too - follow me here if that's your bag. 
I also love football and last year I had this charity World Cup illustration exhibition www.gotgotgotneed.com, there's also a slightly more accurate description of myself over here too.
I was born in 1977 the year that the first Star Wars film was released but I didn't get to experience any of the trilogy until 1983 when my dad (below centre) took my older brother (below right) and myself to watch Return of the Jedi at our local cinema.
The films made a huge impression on me as a child and my love for them has continued to grow ever since – fortunately, so too have certain body parts of mine!
I hope you enjoy the fruition of my Star Wars fascination, please feel free to email me with lucrative illustration commissions at elliottq77 at gmail dot com, please do not email me if you are a Ugandan prince forced to flee from your homeland and looking for somewhere to safely deposit millions of dollars.